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Sandra Fluke: Hobby Lobby denies women access to Birth Control

Sandra Fluke penned an oped at the Washington Post following the Supreme Court decision in favor of Hobby Lobby.  Her oped had this sub heading:

“How is birth control different from blood transfusions and vaccines? It’s not”

Fist Sandra Fluke should be touting Hobby Lobby as a company that has a self imposed minimum wage for full-time workers of $14 per hour.

This is almost double the current minimum wage and just under $4 higher than Obama’s proposal. This additional income for entry level retail workers empowers women to afford their own birth control products.

But wait, the left is saying that Hobby Lobby is denying birth control to its employees, thats simply misinformation to gin up the base.  Hobby Lobby pays for 16 of the 20 forms of birth control in Obamacare, but refuses to pay for abortifacients drugs.

No matter, the likes for Sandra Fluke and others are pushing the war on women because they are very far down in the polls and could lose the Senate in 2014.  They war is emotional and based on misinformation. Hobby Lobby pays women better and provides better healthcare than most retail enterprises.


Here is a portion of Sandra Fluke’s Oped.  read it, then read the Supreme court case and decision.

Today, the Supreme Court ruled in the nationally followed Hobby Lobby case. The for-profit corporations that brought these cases to the Supreme Court—a craft store and a cabinet manufacturer—argued that the corporations’ religious convictions should excuse them from compensating their employees through the comprehensive health insurance required by law. Specifically, these private employers sought to exclude insurance coverage of several forms of birth control because, contrary to medical and scientific evidence, the corporations’ owners believe some birth control causes abortions.

The Affordable Care Act already includes special arrangements for houses of worship and religious non-profits, like schools and hospitals. Houses of worship are completely exempted. Employees of religious non-profits receive their birth control coverage directly from their insurance company. The non-profit employer is not required to pay or be involved in any way.

Today’s cases weren’t about those types of religious organizations. They were about privately owned, closely held, for-profit corporations. Today, the Court ruled that such corporations have religious rights under federal statute, just as individuals do. Corporations are not people. Corporations cannot have religious views. And  this decision sends us in a dangerous direction.

Some imagine closely held corporations as family-run small business. Actually, closely held corporations make up more than 90 percent of the businesses in this country. They employ 52 percent of the labor force, and the 224 largest closely held corporations had combined revenues of $1.6 trillion in 2013. Some of these companies include Dell, Toys ‘R’ Us, Heinz, Dole Foods, Petco, Stater Bros and yes, even Koch Industries. Under today’s decision, employees (and their dependents) at all of those corporations may lose their insurance coverage of birth control if their employers choose to deny it.

Read More – How is birth control different from blood transfusions and vaccines? It’s not.

  • ‘Clueless or lying’: Sandra Fluke ‘purposefully ignoring’ fact in Hobby Lobby decision (twitchy.com)
  • Hobby Lobby attorney: We’d be thrilled to stay out of employees’ birth-control choices (hotair.com)
  • The left loses their minds over Hobby Lobby decision (hotair.com)

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