Here is a list of Black Conservative Blogs and Websites
African American Conservatives
American Civil Rights Institute
Black Conservative Political Action
Black Conservative Thought, Yahoo!
usergroupBlack Conservatives, Yahoo! usergroup
Booker T. Washington Inspirational Speakers – done by Booker’s great-granddaughter
Brotherhood Organization for a New Destiny (BOND)
Center For Neighborhood Enterprise
Coalition for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE)
High Impact Leadership Coalition
I’m Black…And I’m NOT A LIBERAL!
Microscope On Black / Left-Wing Bias In The Web 2.0
My Voice On The Wings Of Change
Narcissistic Views On News/Politics
Raging Elephants – Apostle Claver
Right Wing, Black, And I Ain’t Crazy!
Wayne Dupree – News Ninja
Young Black Conservatives, Facebook
H/T Booker Rising
While we are not big on identity politics, we thought it would be nice to show our support for Black Conservatives. Give this list a view and support our large group of Black Conservatives in America. If you know a website that should be on this list, please send us the link and information to or add it to the comments section of this story